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Friday, December 30, 2011

Bring on 2012!!

Well this is just a super quick post to apologise for the mahoosive delay in getting some posts up but unfortunately December was a wee bit frantic and I simply could not get the time to blog about all the wonderful things I wanted to. Fear not however!! 2012 is almost upon us and I have BIG plans for my wee blog space.

I have had a fab Christmas and have buckets of products to review from my Rimmel prize pack, my soap and glory bucket of fun, some uk exclusives and much more (with the amount if stuff i got under the tree and in my stocking im guessing i was a very good girl). My only problem now is where to begin?!

So here's to 2012, I truly hope it brings good fortune, love and success for all my followers as well as many hours of happy blog reading!! Have a great time ringing it in tomorrow nite xxx

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