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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Beauty Resolutions 2012...

Hello all and Happy New Year!

Personally, I tend not to be a big believer in new year resolutions and other such new year inspired nonsense as detoxing, getting fit(er) as the case may be, giving up bad habits and promising to keep new good ones! I tend to side with the school of thought that if somethings worth doing its worth doing now, when you feel like it... not just because the calender has moved on a year.

However (and I'll bet you had sensed there was a but coming) for some reason I feel the need to embrace it this year.. to welcome it as a line in the sand which leaves behind a year which left me tired and a little weary. I actually feel quite excited about the prospect of the year ahead and thought it fitting that I set myself some new challenges goals to coincide with my high hopes for 2012! (I also must admit that there is a wee bit of fear motivating me having turned the big three-ooh last month)

So here's my beauty resolutions.. hopefully by sharing them I'll feel more pressure to keep them!
  1. Keep my personal make-up stash as tidy, clean and organised as my professional make-up kit 
  2. Stop hoarding products (eeek!)
  3. Commit to a suitable skin care routine
  4. ALWAYS ALWAYS remove my make-up before bed...even after a night out!
  5. Avoid buying replacement products until the originals have run out. (unless it is in the name of research or there is an absolutely amazing deal to be had of course!)
  6. Find a decent yet reasonably priced eye cream, invest in it and then the key bit - use it!
  7. Exfoliate more often (i.e. not just when getting a tan done)
  8. Moisturize more often (i.e. not just when trying to maintain my tan)
  9. Drink more water.
  10. Be more adventurous with my lippy i.e. try new bold colours that I admire on others but am too lazy to wear because of the necessary touch-ups involved! 
So there you have it - some easier done than others but I'll be sure to keep ye posted on my progress. Has this inspired you to make some? or do you already have a list made?? Let me know below what yours are....

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