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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Homemade "fix my broken hair" Hair Mask....

So after 2.5years of dying my hair a vibrant red it is starting to really suffer. It is also long overdue a chop so a combination of bleaching, dying, split ends etc has left it somewhat straw like (hence my uber excitement at Aldi's recent release of a Morrocanoil Dupe). The colour washes out from the lengths much quicker than the roots so after about 2 weeks of washing I am left with two toned hair red at the roots and coppery in the lengths and generally just urgh! I decided before adding to the mess that it is with colour perhaps I should try an intensive moisture mask to help it along a little and bring it back to life. Impetuous as I am I decided this about 40 minutes ago and in the absence of anything special in the bathroom cabinet I decided to make a mask for my hair from the contents of my kitchen.... eeek!

The Detail:
So here's my "recipe" -
1 Mashed Banana
1 Egg
4 x Tsp of Olive Oil
1 x Tsp of Miracle Oil
4 x Tsp of Honey
 I threw them all into the blender and blitzed til smooth (very important as I later realised while letting it soak in and further researching my choices that many people seem to have had problems getting bits of banana out of their hair...started to freak out a bit around about then!). I donned plastic gloves and basically slathered the stuff all over my head making sure to cover all the lengths too. While I did this I had a turban hair towel heating on the radiator to wrap it all up in. Once it was all applied I got himself involved much to his amusement I should add. I made him wrap my head in clingfilm as seen in the preview pic! Then on with the hot towel and then I let it soak in... along with a somewhat impending sense of fear!!

The Images:
My manky hair... please judge not I've been super busy working and blogging and have neglected it terribly (sadface):

The *ahem* lovely mask:

 My clingfilmed head (himself was weeing himself he was laughing so hard at me!!):

And as I am actually typing this blog as I let it all soak in the end result is yet to be established!!

The Sciencey Bit:
Ok so there is no real science here as its a total spur of the moment DIY job based on what I had in the kitchen but below is my logic to the inclusion of each product -
Banana - I realise this sounds ick but they are full of tryptophan an amino acid which is great for hair and skin. They are also vitamin and mineral rich, I'm particularly liking the potassium which helps softening (here's hoping!)
Egg - my mum always told me if I wanted shiny hair to crack an egg over it. I can never say I tried it but have a shed load of eggs here that need using and figured since they are full of protein they can only but help!
Olive Oil - well its great on your face, good on your cuticles so I figured in the absence of almond or jojoba oil a bit of the old olive oil would do!! Hot oil treatments are amazing for smoothing hair and removing the frizz.
Miracle Oil - this has argan oil in it which is the oil used in Moroccanoil and is the hottest treatment oil for hair at the moment, its said to reduce frizz, eliminate brittleness and increase moisture. I used this in the hope that if everything else went wrong this teaspoon of wonder stuff may help!!
Honey - erm honestly? i threw this in to help with the smell! I always use honey in my banana smoothies and thought maybe it would help as it's full of good stuff and helps moisturise your body so why not your hair?!

Ok so right about now I am seriously freaking out as I need to remove this all (1 hour later) and I'm a bit scared - ha ha. My cockiness has subsided after typing out my logic it doesn't feel as sound now as it was but I'm off to wash it out and I'll be back with a conclusion ASAP!

The Conclusion:
Holy good god. Right well I pulled off the towel and cling film and lashed on a bit of hot water and lathered it all up. It felt lovely and smooth so I was feeling positive but then I started to shampoo it and a lot of red came pouring out... now this always happens so I'm not sure if the colour loss was related to the mask or not. A wee bit worried now I continue but as I rinse everything out my hair feels really hard and erm, straw like, literally. I am seriously panicking now but sure what can I do. Lashing lots of hot water through it to make sure I get rid of all the oil I contemplated throwing in some conditioner but had previously decided not to so I could show the masks true results. With images of me wearing a beanie hat' for the rest of the weekend I towel dried it and prayed for it to feel nicer but it didn't. I then went to brush it and was amazed as for the first time in a long long time my brush glided through it unlike the normal knot battle I have. This made me feel a little more hopeful. A nice speedy hair dry later (I know argan oil is supposed to speed up drying time but had no idea so little would really make such a difference) and my hair felt lovely and smooth and was completely frizz free which is very unusual for me after a blow dry even when I use conditioner so I am well impressed with that aspect of it. My hair is still dry but in all honesty not much was going to fix it in one go. I am surprisingly pleased with this though and think I'm going to try it again a few times with Miracle Oil treatments in between and hopefully save my locks from the only other solution - the big chop!! I really thought for a few minutes there this blog would suddenly be about the woes of DIY beauty treatments but actually it turned out great!! All's well that ends well and here's an image of the end result so you can see what you think....

eeeek!! the things I do in the name of research....

found this so amusing I thought I'd give ye a sneak preview before I write the blog....

..... stay tuned to see why I look so stupid (and more importantly if it works!)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Rubbing it in -get the right SPF for your face!

So today is officially my day off and what better way than to spend at least some of it enjoying this amazing weather we have been having? However as I drove to Aldi and then another Aldi (all in hunt of the newly released Miracle Oil, an Aldi Moroccanoil dupe, for a future review) I couldn't help but notice the abundance of people walking around burnt to a crisp and figured maybe a sunscreen blog was in order. My primary focus in this blog is actually sun screen for your face as thats the one that always seems to trip us girlies up! I have noticed that when people are buying foundations now they often ask about the presence of SPF which in itself is showing our increased awareness but more often than not if there is SPF present in the product its only factor 15. I say only as while this is fine throughout the winter months and in "normal" spring weather it is not really sufficient for the current kind of heat we are experiencing. My personal belief is that you should get your SPF from a dedicated cream not your foundation. I have selected 3 reasonably priced  high street store brands to review to show that protecting yourself doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg!!

The Detail:
So for years now I have used two brands of sun cream consistently (one for Ireland and one for abroad!) and they are Cien Sun from Lidl which I usually purchase when the weather starts to improve and keep in my handbag and kitbag all summer long for use on those rare days of sun we get here at home! The  other brand I use is Piz Buin Sensitive which is amazing if you suffer from prickly heat and is definitly worth the extra few euros but I tend to save this for my sun holidays and trips abroad as it's a bit pricey for everyday wear in Dublin so I'm not reviewing it here. Instead I reviewed my Cien Lidl cream along with 2 other high street brands...

1. Cien Sun, SPF 20,  Lidl. Prices start from €2.99 for 100mls 
Product reviewed here is Cien Sun SPF 20 100mls which comes in at the price above as well as the SPF 10. There is a 100ml SPF 25 which is a sport one and also a standard 100ml SPF 30 both of which are €3.99. Finally for those looking for uber protection there is a "kids" factor 50 also in 100mls for €3.99 too. It is important to point out that Cien Sun range does do standard 500ml bottles but I like the 100mls for my face and "on the go" as I can simply throw it into my make-up bag or handbag. I usually use their SPF 30 on my face in the spring/summer time. This cream is not too rich but is still slightly greasy as you will see from the swatch below - it does leave a slight shine after blending so not totally ideal for oily skinned peeps like myself. I still like it and use it though and I reckon it would be perfect for any dry and combination skin types.

2. Lacura Suncare, Anti-Skin Ageing SPF 30, Aldi €4.99 for 75mls
This product is a newbie I found on the shelves today and for a fiver thought it was worth a go, besides I couldn't get my hands on my usual SPF 30 in Lidl so needed a higher factor for my face anyway. It was available in both SPF 30 and 50. This is described as non-greasy on the packaging which really grabbed my interest. It also claims to have additional Anti-Aging properties via its "DNA-SOLAR-COMPLEX"which supposedly reduces cell skin damage.. more on that later perhaps.

3. Soliel Beauty, Face Defence Matte Fluid SPF 30 & 50, Tesco €5.52 for 50mls
Again, one I hadn't come across before so I spent quite a bit of time checking it out. I is a tinted cream which put me off a little and had quite a strong cocoa type smell to it. I was keen as it was a specifically designed face fluid and also was labelled as being matte. Unfortunately I found this not to be the case however with it feeling sticky, heavy and greasy on my skin!

The Images: 

Cien Sun Packaging:
Cien Sun Swatch in natural daylight (blob on left and blended in on right):

Lacura Suncare Packaging:

Lacura Suncare swatch in natural daylight (blob on left and blended in on right):

Soleil Beauty Packaging:

 Soleil beauty Swatch:

Soleil Beauty blended in natural daylight:

The Sciencey Bit:
Well most of us are well aware of the dangers of the sun to some degree and also familiar  with the terms UVA and UVB. However, I'll bet most of us don't know the difference between each and why it is essential that our suncream protects against both. UVA and UVB rays both damage collagen with UVB damaging it at a much slower rate than UVA rays. This can cause premature aging of the skin (and hence why I recommend a nice high factor on your face daily once the weather turns nice). Again both kinds of rays also destroy vitamin A in the skin which prevents wrinkles. UVB rays can cause direct DNA damage potentially causing cancer while UVA rays do not directly cause DNA damage.

SPF is an indication of how well the cream blocks UVB rays. The higher the rating the longer you can stay in the sun before burning dependant of course on your skin complexion. SPF however does not offer protection against UVA rays and as a result many many sun creams neglect this aspect completely and therefore are not wholly effective. SPF ratings go from 10 - 50+ (50+ usually indicating a factor of 60) in the UK and Ireland and from 10 - 30+ in Australia.

UVA Star Rating:
This was created by/for Boots in 1992 as an indicator of protection against UVA rays, Boots therefore own the rights to this and allow other brands to use it for a nominal fee. The rating is a simple 1-5 stars measure with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest level of protection. In 2004 this rating became the standard method used in UK and Ireland. Last Summer however Boots dramatically decided to ban low price competitor brands from carrying this rating making it hard to know if they do provide UVA protection at all. Boots still allow a number of higher end more expensive brands carry this rating.

The Conclusion:
1. Cien Sun, SPF 20,  Lidl. 
Well this has been a long running favourite of mine. As I mentioned above it may perhaps be a wee bit heavy for your face depending on skin type. This SPF 20 seems lighter than the SPF 30 I had last year however so I am unsure if they have changed the consistency or if its richer in higher SPF creams.... Either way for €2.99 & €3.99 its works a charm and if not for your face is grand and handy for the handbag for arms and legs etc. It has a pleasant summery sun cream smell without being overpowering or irritating on the skin. It has a note on top saying "Balanced UVA/UVB protection" which to me indicates it probably has a decent star rating that it's not allowed show!!
2. Lacura Suncare, Anti-Skin Ageing SPF 30, Aldi 
I'm really impressed with the consistency of this product and as you can see (or not as is the case) it has blended down well on my hand leaving no shine at all. It feels nice and light on the skin again with no heavy fragrance beyond the normal suncream scent. The "Anti-Ageing" claim kind of winds me up as effectively any UVB and UVA block is anti-ageing so I feel this is a wee bit cheeky! I cannot find any additional information online or on the product about the "DNA-SOLAR-COMPLEX" the packaging mentions however. This surprisingly carries the UVA Star rating and its a full 5 stars so all in all a great product for your face and neck. My only issue is the ridiculously oversized and clunky packaging. If I could put this product in the Lidl Cien style tube I'd be delighted. I dislike pumps anyway but this one is particularly large and clunky. I'm probably going to decant some into a travel sized pot for my make up bag.

3. Soliel Beauty, Face Defence Matte Fluid SPF 30 & 50, Tesco 
Another tube which I love so despite the slightly cheap looking design I was tempted to investigate further. I was a bit surprised when I noticed it was a tinted cream which I wasn't too keen on but tried it none the less. It looks really light but actually felt really greasy and slimy on my skin. It was the least matte of the 3 despite its mattifying claims. This put me off as it appeared very shiny and also looked a bit orange on my skin. It does carry a high SPF though and also says "UVA high protection"  so again one is left wondering at the actual protection due to Boots competitive tactics.  Unfortunately though regardless of the level of protection this one is not a runner at all for me - I dislike it completely!

Monday, March 26, 2012

A True Turkish Delight - Rasul Mud Therapy at Shore Island Spa

Well as some of you may know myself and himself are just back from a weekend down in Galway for a belated joint birthday celebration after what was a stressful December/January for us. I jumped on the opportunity to tie in a spa visit to our little stay-cation and was lucky enough to secure two of my most wanted treatments, one for each morning of our stay! I have so much to write about from the treatments themselves to the actual spa experience -which was so truly amazing I believe it merits a blog in its own right. So in honesty not really quite sure what to discuss or where to start I finally decided to give each treatment their own blog and then also to review the spa (I won't lie, I'm not-so-secretly hoping the "spa review" will be a hugely in-demand section of this blog leading to many many future spa visits all in the name of research for you, my good readers!). Anyways, back to the first item on the agenda - the Rasul Treatment. 

The Detail:
We spent the weekend in the Lough Rea Hotel and Spa, Galway and their absolutely amazing spa called the Shore Island Spa offers this as a treatment for one costing €45 or for two costing €60. The treatment lasts 55 minutes and involves the application of mud in the Rasul Chamber in which you then experience a sequence of heat, steam, mist and tropical rain. Want a bit of background info on this? - ok, well this treatment originated in Turkey and is actually an ancient cleansing ritual (I know the irony... cleaning ourselves with mud?!). The mud used however is rich in minerals and also acts as a detoxifier so it seemed like a foolproof option to me...

The therapist showed us into the treatment room which houses the chamber, lots of twinkling candles, heated seats which you can leave your robes on and also a shower in case there is any remaining mud to be cleaned off after. Inside the chamber was two little bowls (soup bowl sized) full to the brim of mud, one for each of us.  Before leaving us to it the therapist explained that once in the chamber you have 3 - 4 minutes to apply the mud all over before the sequence begins. So with quite an amount of giggling we legged it into the chamber and started lashing on the mud which was more slimey than cakey in consistency. I thought the tiny soup bowl full wouldn't be anywhere near enough but after a fairly thick coating I still had a wee bit left much to my surprise. It didn't really smell of much but after several sniffs the best description I could come to was a "seaweedy smell" but very faint - himself didn't notice it at all and I can assure you he would have run a mile from anything remotely seaweed-like so don't be put off!

After we did each others backs we sat on our heated tiled seats facing each other and waited...  we had quite a few giggles at the sight of each other and the looks of uncertainty on our literally muddy faces as we waited with anticipation for something to happen. Suddenly steam came pouring into the room with a heavy citrus/lemongrass scent and the LED lights in the ceiling twinkled from amber to purple and back to green. The large crystal in the center of the chamber changed to match bringing you from an uplifted light sense through to a relaxed and calm mood in line with the pinks and purples. Our skin tingled slightly as the chamber really started heating up but then the steam evaporated and after a few minutes of cooling down a very fine mist sprayed down on us. Then suitably chilled and happily redistributing the mud around our bodies there came another bout of steam it heated up again we started to really relax in the pleasant warmth. Then out of seemingly nowhere a burst of tropical rain, warm but not hot, poured down on us cleansing off some of the mud. This happened a couple of times in the above sequence before we literally were in a monsoon of rain laughing loudly as the mud rolled off our skin, swim suits and down the drain. Once this final shower stopped the 55 minutes was up and we were done.

The Images:
Well as much as I wanted to bring along the digital camera I refrained so below are a combination of images from our spa and generic ones found online to suitably illustrate the process..

Here is the actual Rasul chamber we had our treatment in (picture really doesn't do it justice) You can see my seat through the chamber door in the lighter blue part of the photo. Across from this was an identical seat and in the middle a large crystal ball beside which was our bowls of mud. The ceiling was lit up like the night sky full of twinkling lights:

Lol, our model versions applying the mud to each other!!

A bowl of the magic stuff!

The Sciencey Bit:
So the idea behind this treatment as mentioned above is primarily one of cleansing. However, all of the elements combined result not only in detoxified and exfoliated skin but also a great sense of calm and a complete absence of tension. The treatment appeals to various senses with calming light sequences, invigorating herb infused steam, and the slight tingling sensation as the pores open and the mud gets to work.

After application the mud stiffens slightly, almost as if setting. However, the infusion of steam into the chamber softens this up again and opens pores allowing absorption of minerals from the mud. Simultaneously toxins are removed and the rubbing of the mud on ones skin further acts as an exfoliant.

The Conclusion:
I enjoyed this treatment far more than I thought I would. It was so much fun as a couples treatment and struck me as one that would also be great fun for a girls day out or a hen party. It was very lighthearted yet afterwards we both felt very very relaxed and calm. We both were amazed at how soft our skin felt after this treatment and it really did act as a super exfoliation lifting most of the recently applied fake tan from my legs, arms and chest! My skin also looked great with a noticeable reduction in my latest obsession - blackheads - hurrah!! 

Having had a recent injury and feeling some level of aches most days since I was surprised at  how loose my muscles felt after this and had a totally pain free afternoon much to my delight. Generally I felt very calm, rested and detoxified. Himself also thoroughly enjoyed it and much to my annoyance his skin was left even softer than mine! It's a very reasonable treatment and thoroughly enjoyable and therefore it gets a very confident 4 thumbs up from us.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Get thoes Pinkies Supple and Smooth for Spring (with Soap & Glory Hand Food & No.7 Ultimate Moisturising Gloves)

Well ladies (and also a shout out to my recently revealed secret male followers!!) I have been busy busy lately helping get those fingertips twinkling and realised that I'm always doling out advice to clients re keeping their hands in tip top shape - "use cuticle oil", "wear rubber gloves when immersing hands in water", " invest in a good hand cream", "treat them like jewels, not tools!" I thought to myself last week this really merits a blog but particularly as I have been meaning to review the No. 7 gloves for quite some time now and my own rather dry hands seemed in need of a little more TLC than a slather of hand cream...

The Detail:
Right, I'll come straight out with it and admit that while I realise the need for hand cream I have a severe dislike for that slimy feeling it can leave on your hands. However yet another gem from S&G their Hand Food cream is quite absorbent despite its richness. Moreover the heavenly scent acts as a suitable deterrent from running to the sink to wash what feels like clammy palms minutes after application! As with all S&G products it can be found  in Boots and is often in a 3 for 2 deal too so worth picking up. It's available in a travel size 50ml costing €3.05 (€61 per litre), the regular 125ml tube  (pictured below) costing €6.86 (€54.88 per litre) and as some of you who checked out a previous blog posting "how lovely is this" you will have seen their Christmas limited edition hand wash and hand cream set which boasts a wopper 250ml pump dispenser of the stuff!! 

Onto the gloves... well after the above revelation re. my fear of the slime factor I have always regarded these moisturising gloves with a combination of trepidation and mild disgust! However after receiving yet another No.7 money off voucher I decided it was high time I gave these a try and retailing at €6.99 I actually got them for free with my €7.50 off No.7 products voucher (see previous blog: no7 gift vouchers from boots). They are made from 100% cotton so supposedly work with your bodies temperature to enhance absorption of hand cream. 

The Images:

Below the gloves in their packaging and the hand cream...

The gloves unpacked...

A close up of the hand cream...

The Sciencey Bit:
Hand Food boasts Shea Butter, Macadamia Oil and Marshmallow on its ingredient list. On further inspection there are quite a number of oils in this hand cream which probably attribute to it's super smoothing effects.  Along with the macadamia oil it also has sweet almond oil and also grape seed oil.

The moisturising gloves are made of 100% cotton and work by trapping the body heat within the gloves. This allows the pores on the skin to open so the hand cream can fully penetrate. 

The Conclusion:
Well actually the results were absolutely amazeballs... far better than I expected with my hands being transformed from reasonably dry into super soft after a nights wear.  I couldn't stop running them over each other throughout the next day to appreciate the results!! 

The gloves packaging recommends you wear them for 20 minutes or overnight for an intensive treatment. I opted for the overnight treatment for fear of the slime factor making me remove them if I tried it during the day. Regardless of my "issues" I reckon the overnight wear is the easier option anyway and you literally wake up to new hands the next morning. Despite having used Hand Food regularly for the last number of years  and loving its rich yet non greasy formula I was surprised at the extreme positive change after one application only.... these gloves and Hand Food are a magic combo!! I should follow this up by explaining that the super soft effect does wear off if not supplemented with further hand cream top ups within the next few days but then that's to be expected depending on the starting condition of your hands.

The gloves are super stretchy so fit snugly regardless of your hand size (I have freakishly long fingers so was impressed with this!). I also like the fact that you can choose whatever cream you like so depending on preferences, allergies etc. everyone is a winner. These gloves are supposed to be good for soothing psoriasis and eczema when used with appropriate creams and are also great for sorting out your cuticles as well as your hands and pinkies.

All in all I was really impressed though and have decided to try pop these on once a week to keep my hands in perfect condition. Another happy result!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bring back my favouite MAC (product!).....

Ok ok lame attempt to make the headline rhyme but it had to be done - sorry! I got some exciting news today that I figured I had to share with all of my favourite bloggettes. MAC are running a promo called "MAC by Request" via their facebook page. From yesterday,12th March until the 30th March you can vote for your favourite discontinued lipstick, lipglass and eyeshadows from a set menu of options and the poll toppers will then go on sale in August!! How great?!

Each person is allowed one vote per product per day so if any of your lost loves appear on the list get moving asap!! 

Click on the following link to be brought to the voting page:

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Intensly moiturised? Garnier's New Intensive 7days reviewed

Well what better way to follow an exfoliation blog than with a moisturising one? As with exfoliation I'm one of those people who need to make a conscious effort to mositurise so when I saw the latest Garnier product to hit the shelves and heard it's claims of "skin feeling intensely hydrated for up to 7 days" I thought - that needs to be tried!! I picked this up the other side of Christmas so it's been a while but I've been using it quite a bit to suss out how it best works... In fairness though it's been a long time coming this blog so thank you all for your patience!

The Details:
So this is Garnier's latest product in their body range and is accompanied with literally bucket loads of astrices on the back regarding their claims. Here's an overview so you don't have to squint at the small print in store:

Claim: "A consumer study shows that Garnier Body Intensive 7days Lotion is so hydrating, skin still feels moisturised even 7 days after your last application" 
Notes: "After twice daily application for 4 weeks. Consumer tests on 84 subjects, 5 weeks'

I can't help but think wouldn't most skin feel super hydrated for up to a week after a month of twice daily moisturization?? So instantly I'm skeptical I won't lie.

Claim: "Immediately, rough skin is relieved and dramatically softened. Skin is optimally hydrated for 48 hours"
Notes: "48 hr hydration instrumental test on 24 subjects"

So now I'm thinking my skin will feel moisturised for up to 2 days after each application?!

Claim: "After only 7 days of use, skins quality is dramatically improved - dryness - 49%, roughness - 25% and suppleness +26%"
Notes: "Clinical scoring on 40 subjects"

The Images:

So with dry scaly legs in mind after a winter of tights and long trousers I opted for the "Dry to Extra-dry Skin" one pictured above with shea butter in the 250ml pack.

Garnier have released 5 lotions to choose from to cater for all skin types. These are as follows from left to right:
1. Aloe Vera - Normal Skin
2. Mango Oil - Dry, Rough Skin
3. Shea Butter - Extra Dry Skin (this is the one I bought and am reviewing!)
4. Honey - Dry, Sensitive Skin
5. Coco Butter - Dry, Dull Skin

The Sciencey Bit:
Ok so there was one more asterix on the pack which I hadn't mentioned above and this is the word L.Bifidus. On further investigation around the back of the pack we learn that this stands for Lysate of Bifidus. Google this and all you will find is press releases and info about this new Garnier product that seems to attribute most of it's benefits to Lysate of Bifidus. To me it sounded like something I expect to find in my daily Actimel and actually, surprisingly, I wasn't too far off!! 

Basically this is a bacteria which is found to have skin conditioning properties and is found in a lot of high end products like Creme de la Mer Body Cream, Esteé Lauder's Advanced Night repair and L'Oréal's  Youth Code Serum. It's said to be a probiotic that makes our skin more stress resistant and protects it against environmental aggressors (Source: The B-Spot via

There is also a rake load of oils and butters included alongside this in the ingredients list which I take it all contribute to the 7 Day moisturization effect! Garnier say "The L'Bifidus enriched formula works like a shield and helps lock in moisture."

The Conclusion:
Well I have to say I used it and loved it!  I did a few tests on it to suss out if it's many claims are indeed true. I'll be honest thought - moisturising twice a day for 4 weeks just seemed like madness and I'm guessing most of my reader's would agree! I did a 7 day test though and religiously moisturised every day after a shower for 7 days... after a few days (2-3) my skin really did feel super soft and by the end of the week I was very happy. I'm not sure about the suppleness they mention on the pack but roughness and dryness were virtually gone! This feeling lasted for days after I stopped moisturising too which definitely made the product worthwhile to me (lazy individual that I am)!! I did the ultimate moisturiser test (in my opinion) and 5 days after my last moisturisation I had a spray tan - now originally before I changed my ways an impending spray tan was the only cause that had me moisturising religiously right up to the day before - so I was a wee bit scared to say the least. I was afraid my tan would be patchy due to dry spots of skin having not moistursed but the tan cam out as good as ever and lasted a good 5 days too! This for me was amazing - usually when I get a tan I moisturise every day before and after to prolong it's life and this was pretty much matched by a product I stopped using 5 days prior to tan - AMAZEBALLS!!

My big pro would be it's super fast absorption so you can moisturise and get dressed minutes later without that horrible sticky feeling you get usually. I even used it minutes before putting on tights one day! This really makes it a moisturiser that you can easily use every day. My only con would be that the scents are limited to your skin type with only one per skin type. If you don't like it you are kind of snookered.

On a recent trip up north I did however see some new gel-creams in this range with new scents and an even lighter consistency - mega excited to see them down here in Ireland as my 250ml botttle has almost run out (first time I have ever run out of a moisturiser so soon if at all!) and I'd really like to suss out these gel ones!