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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Get thoes Pinkies Supple and Smooth for Spring (with Soap & Glory Hand Food & No.7 Ultimate Moisturising Gloves)

Well ladies (and also a shout out to my recently revealed secret male followers!!) I have been busy busy lately helping get those fingertips twinkling and realised that I'm always doling out advice to clients re keeping their hands in tip top shape - "use cuticle oil", "wear rubber gloves when immersing hands in water", " invest in a good hand cream", "treat them like jewels, not tools!" I thought to myself last week this really merits a blog but particularly as I have been meaning to review the No. 7 gloves for quite some time now and my own rather dry hands seemed in need of a little more TLC than a slather of hand cream...

The Detail:
Right, I'll come straight out with it and admit that while I realise the need for hand cream I have a severe dislike for that slimy feeling it can leave on your hands. However yet another gem from S&G their Hand Food cream is quite absorbent despite its richness. Moreover the heavenly scent acts as a suitable deterrent from running to the sink to wash what feels like clammy palms minutes after application! As with all S&G products it can be found  in Boots and is often in a 3 for 2 deal too so worth picking up. It's available in a travel size 50ml costing €3.05 (€61 per litre), the regular 125ml tube  (pictured below) costing €6.86 (€54.88 per litre) and as some of you who checked out a previous blog posting "how lovely is this" you will have seen their Christmas limited edition hand wash and hand cream set which boasts a wopper 250ml pump dispenser of the stuff!! 

Onto the gloves... well after the above revelation re. my fear of the slime factor I have always regarded these moisturising gloves with a combination of trepidation and mild disgust! However after receiving yet another No.7 money off voucher I decided it was high time I gave these a try and retailing at €6.99 I actually got them for free with my €7.50 off No.7 products voucher (see previous blog: no7 gift vouchers from boots). They are made from 100% cotton so supposedly work with your bodies temperature to enhance absorption of hand cream. 

The Images:

Below the gloves in their packaging and the hand cream...

The gloves unpacked...

A close up of the hand cream...

The Sciencey Bit:
Hand Food boasts Shea Butter, Macadamia Oil and Marshmallow on its ingredient list. On further inspection there are quite a number of oils in this hand cream which probably attribute to it's super smoothing effects.  Along with the macadamia oil it also has sweet almond oil and also grape seed oil.

The moisturising gloves are made of 100% cotton and work by trapping the body heat within the gloves. This allows the pores on the skin to open so the hand cream can fully penetrate. 

The Conclusion:
Well actually the results were absolutely amazeballs... far better than I expected with my hands being transformed from reasonably dry into super soft after a nights wear.  I couldn't stop running them over each other throughout the next day to appreciate the results!! 

The gloves packaging recommends you wear them for 20 minutes or overnight for an intensive treatment. I opted for the overnight treatment for fear of the slime factor making me remove them if I tried it during the day. Regardless of my "issues" I reckon the overnight wear is the easier option anyway and you literally wake up to new hands the next morning. Despite having used Hand Food regularly for the last number of years  and loving its rich yet non greasy formula I was surprised at the extreme positive change after one application only.... these gloves and Hand Food are a magic combo!! I should follow this up by explaining that the super soft effect does wear off if not supplemented with further hand cream top ups within the next few days but then that's to be expected depending on the starting condition of your hands.

The gloves are super stretchy so fit snugly regardless of your hand size (I have freakishly long fingers so was impressed with this!). I also like the fact that you can choose whatever cream you like so depending on preferences, allergies etc. everyone is a winner. These gloves are supposed to be good for soothing psoriasis and eczema when used with appropriate creams and are also great for sorting out your cuticles as well as your hands and pinkies.

All in all I was really impressed though and have decided to try pop these on once a week to keep my hands in perfect condition. Another happy result!

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