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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Re-Gen Oil - Another Great Aldi Dupe!

Well as my regular followers probably know I'm a big fan of quality bargain products and Aldi has regularly come good in this area. It's latest beauty offering is called Re-Gen Oil and one look at the packaging and you can guess  what better known brand it's duping - Bio-Oil of course! Bio-Oil hit the global market in 2002 as a specialist skincare oil improving the appearance of stretch marks, scars, uneven skin tone and signs of aging. It is also ideal for dehydrated skin.

The Detail:
Well this came in the form of a "special buy" which means it's a one off special, while stocks last only. It was due to hit the stores on Thursday 10th May but I couldn't find it in my local Aldi yet today there was a reasonable sized pile of products so either they landed late across the board, or my local got it's stock late and the other stores I checked had sold out (my previous assumption when unable to find it). I realise it sounds a bit mad to assume something new to the shelves in Aldi would sell out but believe me their beauty goods do... in minutes! I was very fortunate to grab a solitary bottle of their Miracle Oil, a MoroccanOil Dupe (which I'm loving by the way) after visiting 3 stores in search for it by 11am on the day it was launched. Anyhow, I digress... my point there was to create a sense of urgency if you are interested... GO...NOW!! There was two options to choose from the subject of the review, Re-Gen Oil, 125mls for €4.99 and secondly the Re-Gen Cream, 125mls also for €4.99. That's a whole lot of product for relatively small spend. Comparatively Bio-Oil comes in at about €10.99 for a measly 60mls!

The Images: 
The packaging & product:

A press shot of Bio-Oil, the muse for Aldi's above Re-Gen Oil:

The Sciencey Bit:
Right well as I mentioned above I've only just picked up this product so haven't used it much at all so my real review is an ingredients based comparative one. Bio-Oil lists 30 ingredients whereas Re-Gen Oil has a lot less at only 17. I've listed below the different types of ingredients and comparisons:

1. Oils (Base/carrier oils)
Re-Gen Oil has 4 oils in total here, all found in Bio Oil also and mainly synthetic. None are desperately alarming but purists would probably not be happy with some of them (mineral oil aka Parafinnium Liquidium for example). Bio-Oil has 3 further natural oils and a chemical anti-oxidant also. In my opinion, (limited cosmetic ingredients knowledge allowing) only one of these additional ingredients is of any huge consequence and this is Bisabolol which is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory. 
2. Botanicals (essential oils)
Both products contain the same 4 essential oils - Lavander, Rosemary, Chamomile and Calendula. 
3. Vitamins
Both products contain the same vitamin ingredients - Vitamin A great for regeneration and Vitamin E a powerful anti-oxidant.
4. Colour
Both products include a red colouring and Bio-Oil contains a further Violet colouring also.
5. Fragrance
This is where the two products really differ. Bio Oil has a total of 12 fragrance ingredients, 4 of which occur in Re-Gen Oil also and a whopping 7 of which are synthesized scents. Re-Gen Oil has 6 fragrance ingredients, the 2 which don't appear in Bio-Oil are, rather disappointingly, synthetic. 

The Conclusion:
As usual I find the ingredient lists of the products so intriguing. The key ingredients - botanicals and vitamins are identical and ironically these are the best bits about the products. Colours and Fragrances annoy me in products as in all honesty we'd probably be happier with less of each for a healthier and safer product. Bio Oil wins out in terms of carrier oils and this may be important as they may aid the absorption of the essential oils or botanicals as I have headed them above. In reality this may make it a better product, I am unsure and would need an aromatherapists opinion on this. However of the additional ingredients found in Bio-Oil 5 need to be listed ingredients due to their potential allergen affect. This worries me slightly in a product marketed with strong natural connotations.

As ever, I believe money doesn't always buy better products or ingredients. Bio-Oil is a world renowned, award winning product and I am not in any way knocking it. Some of it's ingredients raised my eyebrows sure, but then that happens when you analyze most product ingredients lists. I reckon Re-Gen Oil is a great cheap alternative. My plan is to pop a few drops in my bath as a skin conditioner, to use it as an intense treatment weekly and finally I am hopeful it will be a great solution to my recent bout of, as of yet, unexplained blemishes. Are you going to buy this? If so let me know your thoughts and plans for it....

*If using either oil during pregnancy I would recommend getting your doctor's approval first*


  1. Hi..I bought this product about 2 months ago and have been using it after my showers. I must say, it's working great!. My stretch marks have become lighter and lighter to the point where I can't see some. I was looking for something for my stretch marks when someone compared Re-Gen to Bio-Oil and said it was an alternative. I went ahead and ordered it and I am happy I did. I will be purchasing my 2nd bottle. If I was able to post pictures, I would.

  2. my stretch marks are dark which will work better for me ?
    regen oil or bio oil?
